I have put together a Free Workshop that shows you behind the scenes of my Paddle Fitness Program and how you can use it to improve your Paddle Technique and Develop a reliable Level of Paddle Fitness and Endurance that will enable you to go the distance in the surf even if you're not spending more time in the water.
Hi, I'm Jon
I remember my struggles in the surf, paddling so much I couldn't lift my arms, the pain I felt caused by shoulder and neck tension, and the dread as I'm gassing out when another set looms on the horizon, then I'd begin to panic!
Instead of stoked I felt defeated wondering "Should I just quit surfing all together?"
The truth I discovered is you don't have to suffer in the surf, and paddling does get easier, when you gain the qualities you need to paddle for longer without getting tired or sore.
All it takes is the right training, some knowledge bombs on how to enhance your technique, an awareness of what to do during wipe-outs and paddle-outs, so you know how to slow down the onset of fatigue, and you will be able to go the distance.
I'd like to share what I have learned with you, so you too, can a say goodbye to frustration pain and anxiety in the surf, and go from struggling to getting more waves and becoming a more confident, capable and competent surfer!
This exclusive workshop is completely free, so if you actually want to end the struggle and discover how to unlock your true surfing potential, click the button, jump onboard and Ill show you a proven method to achieving positive and lasting change in your surfing!
Learn how to take a more holistic approach to your surfing, encapsulating both your physical capabilities as a surfer and the technical aspects of your skill in the surf, beginning with eliminating tension and discomfort caused by poor paddle technique, alongside shoring up your paddle strength and endurance so you can surf without pain.
Gain invaluable insights into why your gassing out in the surf, and how to handle hold downs and recover quickly afterwards, these tips will allow you to surf without anxiety, panic or fear, and with a new confidence and awareness in the water, that will enable you to slow down the onset of fatigue and will get you out to the line up calmly and with ease.
paddle any break
Start thriving rather than surviving by taking a complete and holistic method to your training, understanding and approach within the surf. Enhance your movement, strength and fitness, so you can surf without the struggle, get more waves and improve your skillset, technique and stoke in the water by becoming able to Paddle Any Break.